I have never been so excited for fall as I am this year.
I was definitely over the Alabama summer and ready for cooler weather.
Now when I walk outside...instantly happy...that heat was not my style.
Gray was done with school early yesterday, so we went for an afternoon 'hike' as Gray likes to call it.
We live right by a walking trail which is where our hike took place.
Jeans and a sweatshirt? Yes, please!
I'm telling you, cooler weather down here = happiness.
Gray's favorite part about our hike?
Reading the signs...when he spotted one, he would take off sprinting.
Gray LOVES reading, spelling, numbers, letters...he can't seem to get enough.
Look at the excitement in his eyes :)
Oh, and I apologize for the variety of looks to the photos - I was experimenting.
We took our time on the walk and enjoyed every bit of it.
Gray asked lots of questions.
He met quite a few of my family members in October, so he wanted to know when Oliver, Palmer, Amy, Angie, and Chad's birthdays were...I told him everyone's birthdays one time.
I quizzed him later on in the night and he passed the test :)
And then he wanted to know my phone number - we went through that one twice and now he has it memorized - area code and all...his memory amazes me.
Fall is here - the leaves are falling, the air is crisp, and I'm loving it.
We even had soup for dinner last night :)