Monday, February 27, 2012


Our Sunday morning began with coffee (for me), diet coke (for Dusty), crafts (for me), and writing (for Dusty).

1) Dusty has never tasted coffee and never will...ever...which means Dusty's coffee = diet coke.
2) I love when I'm able to get into crafting mode...I wouldn't mind at all if it happened more often.
3) Dusty accomplished a lot of writing this weekend for a new film...he's almost finished, and I'm so very proud of him.
And when I'm proud of Dusty and his productivity, I do things for him.
Such as...
riding my bike to McDonald's for his favorite - breakfast burritos.

Before the writing, crafting, and biking began, Dusty had a vision.
And it involved ribs, pork shoulder, barbeque, slow cooking ALL day, and a charcoal grill.
I'm not even kidding - Dusty woke up at 6:30 a.m. and had the grill ready with meat on it by 7:00 a.m.
We had supper at 7:45 p.m....I'll go ahead and let you calculate the hours that meat was on the grill.
Was it worth it?
Okay, that was unnecesary...supper was 'delicious'.

While our meal was simmering on the grill, we played a little bean bag toss.
How fun is this game?
We split case you were wondering.

And we ended the night with the Academy Awards as per Dusty's request.

Fun day yesterday.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

And the fun continues...

Remember this post about making little changes to help make each day more special?
Well, for now the fun continues and we are succeeding in doing a few things differently.
We'll see how long it lasts...
Hopefully, it will last a while...

Afternoon campfire?
Sure, why not.

Glow sticks in the bath tub?
Heck yes.

Leave work a little early to enjoy the scenery?
I would love to.
Yes, lots of them.
Sometimes, our walks even become a little exciting...
and we come across foxes...with a sign that warned us first :)
Lastly, a semi-spontaneous trip to Pensacola for Mardi Gras?
Yes, yes I think we should.
I apologize for the randomness of this post...and how each picture looks different - not the most visually appealing, but just go with it.
What do you do to put a little more special into your day?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Permanent Vacation

Sometimes, I feel like I'm on a permanent vacation.
This feeling has its pros and cons for obvious reasons.

  •  happiness
  • memories are being made that I won't forget
  • new experiences

  • weight gain
  • leads to both of us being less productive
  • some things get put on the back burner
  • beers on the beach might be just a little too appealing...
  • leave work early to do something fun? absolutely

I'm thinking I will continue to pretend for a little bit...why not, right?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Prairie Love and Love Potion

I'm going into work today for Dusty.
I will be helping with Prairie Love PR work and will be contacting everyone - companies, schools, individuals, radio stations...whomever we can think of.

Luckily, I get to do this all via email...using Dusty's name and email address...thank goodness, otherwise, I would be stressing. out.

Isn't it funny how you feel so much more comfortable contacting someone when you get to be incognito?

I'm actually looking forward to this challenge.
I will be going in and working in the extra workspace at Dusty's office.
On the days I'm not subbing, this girl will be putting in a full day to help Prairie Love :)
I am going to help make things happen.

Okay, time to get on subject - Valentine's Day.
Well, I was kind of on subject.
I was going to share with you the little gift I'm giving my 'co-workers' today.
 A little love potion (diet root beer) and almond bark covered pretzels with red sprinkles.
I think the boys at work are going to like it :)

Love Potion labels can be found here.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The little things.

After reading this post the other day, I thought we need to live it up more over here :)
And by live it up, I mean to make little changes...make each day just that much more memorable.

So, after school/work yesterday, we loaded the car up and headed for the Waterfront Park. 
Please bare with me during this initial Instagram obsession...hopefully, my photos will return to 'normal' soon.
But for now, I can't get enough of the added effects.
Gray walked off and came back with a flower he picked for me :)

Pretty sure you can consider us new regulars at the Waterfront Park.
And we are on a mission to do something special each matter how small it is.

Monday, February 6, 2012

A view from the top.

Well, we did it.
We completed our first 'view from the top' event...touring condos and penthouses in the area.
My iPhone sure did come in handy :)

 We came to the conclusion that we could probably get used to living like this...
It was gorgeous - the condos, views, units, pool areas, beaches...I loved it all.

After our tour, we stopped at the Flora-bama for a chilli cook-off and then a little live music...

Who puts cheese whiz on their chili you ask?
We asked the same question and we never did get an answer...maybe they were hoping it would give them an edge in the competition - put them one step above everyone else.
Team deer balls/cheese whiz ended up not winning.
However, it was Dusty's favorite.

Saturday was great.
I just might be chalking it up to one of my top 10 favorite days here...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My week in a nutshell.

I'm sorry I have been MIA this week.
Tuesday through Friday I was subbing at the high school and when that school day is over, I am tired.
Weak, I know.
By the time I arrive home at 4:00, I'm ready for a little TV and then sleep.
Last night I was in bed by 9:00 and sleeping shortly thereafter...on a Friday.

On another note...
Guess what?
I got an iPhone!
And oh my goodness, do I love it.
I think Dusty looks not excited to be in this pic, but he informed me he was doing his 'sexy look'.

The camera is my favorite part - way easier than pulling out the Canon.

Lastly, yesterday we bought tickets for a fundraiser called 'A View from the Top'.
Which we are going on a tour of six condos and penthouses on the Gulf Coast.
Here are two of them we get to see:

I'm really excited!
Now when I drive by these condos every day, I will know what some of them actually look like inside :)
And I love touring houses, condos, hotels, etc. that I have never been day!
My iphone camera will be getting a lot of use on this tour...can't wait to share some pics.

Have a great weekend!

I almost forgot...Abby Singer graced us with her prescence this weekend.
I love when she does that.