well, dusty and i are camped out at our friends' house in prattville - a nice three hours away from the coast.
school was cancelled for monday, tuesday, and wednesday, which was enough to make me a little bit scared and think that we needed to get the heck out of dodge.
also, some people were boarding up their houses, as were a few businesses, boats were being taken out of the water, some boats were being anchored in bays and tied to stationary items on land, 'hurricane supplies' (water, batteries, food, flashlights, etc.) were being bought and sold out of at certain stores...
so, here we are, having a bit of a vacation together...hoping that the hurricane subsides and doesn't cause any damage.
we are thinking tomorrow we will head back to orange beach and then back to work on thursday.
in the meantime, we are going to enjoy ourselves.
this morning, we walked around target with coffees in hand, came home and watched a movie, took the dogs for a walk, had lunch, and now dusty and the dogs are taking a nap while i write this post.
i couldn't help myself and i interrupted the dogs' nap time...
abby singer does not like having her picture taken...at all.
i can just feel her frustration with me every time.
my theory is that the more photos i take of her, the more she'll get used to it.
my theory is that the more photos i take of her, the more she'll get used to it.
i think sophia likes it even less. she walks away from the camera...quickly.
meet sophia (our friends' dog):
do you see the evil eye sophia is giving me?
that's the look she gives when she sees the camera...right before she walks away.
alright, enough about the dogs, i'm off to shower and get ready for our double date tonight.
and a big thank you to travis and kristin - for taking us into their home on such short notice and making us feel so welcome.
abby singer likes it here too. she has a new friend and there are more puppy treats at the zimbelman household...what dog doesn't like that?