i still have a couple of days left to blog from the cermak vacation, but dusty, gray, and i had such a wonderful saturday together i had to document it.
the weather has been cooling off just a bit and we are taking full advantage.
how awesome is this bike?
we got this and the boy version from my lovely parents...i may have told y'all this before, but it's worth mentioning twice.
also, i'm starting to prefer riding the vista over the trek...whoa.
we are making that thing gray rides in, last as long as we can...it's starting to be a tight fit.
do you know how long it would take if he rode his own bike to the park?
we would probably arrive at sunset.
alright, back to our saturday.
we started the day off with a bike ride to the park...
it takes a while before dusty feels like our bikes are condition ready for a ride...every single time, he fills up all of the tires - to the brim. both bikes' tires and gray's ride.
and our pump sucks a big one (i went cheap on that), so it lengthens out this process quite a bit.
rarely do we agree on when they need air...i'm convinced around every fourth or fifth ride would be sufficient...at the most.
upon arrival, water was needed:
gray's favorite way to reach the water fountain.
it's tradition.
after gray played on the equipment momentarily, he joined us in the shade.
and then we sat and played lots of games.
rock, paper, scissors.
and gray showed us new games he has learned during recess at school.
do you remember the ones where you say a jingle, point at shoes, and then whoever's shoe you land on last is out?
not the best explanation, but that's what he's been learning from the girls at school, so that is what we played.
and then we made up our own games...fun, very fun.
gray is very good at ad libbing when we make up songs - he can create a whole song without hesitating - i think he gets it from his dad. dusty is making up jingles daily.
i tried to make up a song about thomas and friends...i don't have the same talents as they do.
we also talked about animals.
tigers in action:
above picture: love.
dusty being dusty...love him.
after our park adventure, dusty had to get some shots at the festival of flavor, so gray and i tagged along.
while dusty was shooting, i had a photo shoot with gray.
he's getting more into the camera and i'm very happy about it...he's starting to think poses are fun...this is big.
bottom left is my favorite.
gray had been eyeing the rock climbing wall since we had arrived.
when dusty finished, we hit that thing up.
look at the excitement on his face - so cute :)
he made it about half way up, got very nervous, came back down, and then repeated that sequence three times.
he'd get to the bottom and then was convinced he had to try it again.
he ended up leaving in tears because he was so disappointed in himself for not pushing the button at the top.
next time, gray, you got this.
i'm pretty sure that every rock climbing wall we come across in the future, gray will be getting strapped up.
he's bound and determined to hit that button.