Thursday, January 31, 2013

a fun-filled saturday.

the weather here lately makes you want to be outside...all day.
last saturday we were at the beach by 9:30 a.m.
we started to have gray count his trains before we head to the beach, so none will be lost in the sand.
he knows this and counts them on his own before we leave.
this day, he packed 22 doubled from our last beach visit.
i wonder what the number will be next time...
our morning was very productive and relaxing.
gray - played with trains
dusty - worked on his next script
kassie - read sarah's's hard to put down
gray, dusty, & kassie - walked along the beach, were on a mission to find jellyfish, and enjoyed the outdoors.
and of course, snacks were eaten.
we usually don't last all that long at the beach - we were home by lunchtime.
dusty decided to wash our car and gray thought he might as well wash his ride while the soap and water were out.
abby singer really enjoyed saturday.
she was able to be outside all day with her family :)
a friend stopped by and before he knew it, dusty was washing his car.
that's a perk, right? if you come visit us, you get a bonus free car wash.
once all of the cars were washed, it was time for gray to bake a cake.
gray cannot get enough of baking cakes.
i'm not sure if it's the process he loves, eating the cake after, or both, but this boy loves baking.
i took the picture on the left to show mom & dad that gray is using his stool that my dad made - he uses it all of the sure does come in handy.
and the picture on the right, do you see the jar on the shelf? that is our memory jar.
and you see the orange golf ball? that is from when the cermak's were here visiting and we went miniature golfing.
i highly suggest a memory makes me happy when i look at it.
also in the memory jar, our scattergories' papers from christmas :) i snatched those babies up before they were thrown away.
maybe it's being far away from home, but i like to have little bits of north dakota and family memories everywhere.
alright, back to our saturday...
gray has shown a sudden interest in star wars.
so, the friend from above (getting his car washed) came to the rescue and let us borrow his collection of star wars dvd's.
we watched the first one. i'm not sure i'll be able to be a fan.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

35 things i love about dusty.

in honor of dusty's birthday on january 23rd, i have decided to write him a post.
35 things i love about him...since it was his 35th birthday.
are you ready?
i love...
  1. that you keep the kool-aid/punch/tea pitcher in the fridge fulled stocked at all times.
  2. that you bathe abby singer and don't make me.
  3. that you are the official bedmaker.
  4. that you enjoy painting my nails and insist on getting more colors and 'nicer' polish than the $1.00 ones i get, so you can really perfect your craft.
  5. your sense of humor.
  6. that you make me no one else can.
  7. being around's all i want, to be with you.
  8. how dang excited you are about our new record player.
  9. when you play 'myrtle the turtle' with gray. i like the voice and life you give to myrtle.
  10. your spontaneity.
  11. that you think that 'slow cooking' makes everything taste better.
  12. that it's important to you that we visit your mom almost every weekend.
  13. that you think it's silly to get upset when things are spilled, broken, or when anything happens on accident. gray and i really benefit from your attitude on this.
  14. you as a are wonderful, just wonderful.
  15. that you believe i can honestly accomplish anything.
  16. how no dream is too big in your eyes.
  17. that you love my is so awesome, you have no idea.
  18. that you called my grandma on her birthday and offered her two versions of happy birthday: she chose the sexy version, and you delivered.
  19. that you read my blog and get excited when i have new posts ready.
  20. that we go on walks together.
  21. how laid back you are...i take notes from you.
  22. that you are always willing to be my subject when i want to practice photography.
  23. that no DIY project scares you.
  24. that you are crazy creative and talented, yet humble about it.
  25. that you will always share a meal with me when we go out for dinner AND you let me choose it.
  26. that you aren't afraid to be silly...not one bit.
  27. your outlook on've taught me not to sweat the small stuff.
  28. the way you make egg sandwiches.
  29. when you's great.
  30. when you wear the full hannah anderson pj ensemble.
  31. that at your work christmas party, you danced on a wood beam (like it was a pole) while everyone watched you and you didn't even think twice about it.
  32. your ability to make people laugh.
  33. how fun you are to be around.
  34. how thoughtful and sweet you are.
  35. how happy you make me.
i love you, dusty.
happy birthday!

Monday, January 28, 2013

ruby's first haircut.

there was an unanimous decision that ruby (my niece) needed a haircut.
sister had a mullet/tail going on for some time now.
now, ruby has a bit of an attitude.
and an agenda of her own.
another unanimous decision of the day - ruby's mom (my sister, sarah) should not be present during the appointment.
amy, my oldest sister :), was the chosen one to take control of ruby's hair cut.
and she delivered.
all the kids listen to auntie amy.
tears were shed, but not for long.
i was very proud of her.
ruby was also promised a couple of small gifts if she followed through with her haircut.
she received hair barrettes, nail polish, her favorite hand sanitizer, and a sucker.
ruby might start requesting hair cuts after those rewards.
and to show you the final product:
a cute, little, bobbish style with her new hair clip.
the improvement is astonishing.

Monday, January 21, 2013

spread the love.

dusty has earned his way into the hearts of my family.
and i love it.
the kids really like him :)
oliver was even eager to be able to help dusty with the dishes.
coloring with dusty? i'm in.
you know the machines at arcades where you can win stuffed animals?
i've seen dusty win an animal every time.
he delivered his talent for miss abby.
i think it's possible that dusty earned a couple points from this.
so, i believe that uncle dusty just might be climbing the ladder :) 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

myself and my girls.

i love my nieces and nephews.
it seems like an understatement to even just say that 'i love them'.
they are all so special to me and have a special place in my heart.
so, one of my favorite photos from the holidays is this one...
myself and my nieces...coloring christmas pictures.
i'm happy to have this moment captured.
it's simple, but it sure does mean a lot to me :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

snackee duty.

it was oliver's turn to be the snackee at preschool.
he requested that i attend and i was more than happy to be his 'guest of honor' :)
i arrived and his teachers said 'ahhh, you must be the aunt who lives in alabama!'
i loved that he was proud to have me there :)
his mommy and i put these snowmen snacks together and the kids were very excited about them...
after enjoying their yummy snack, we listened to a christmas story.
thank you to oliver for having me at your was fun!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

christmas 2012

christmas 2012 was one of the best.
family, all together, happiness all around, making couldn't have been much better.
that's how it felt the entire time we were in north dakota.
just making memories :)
 my family is great - i love each and every one of you very much.
the weather was pretty - lots of snow to play in...
thankfully, dusty ventured out in the cold with the camera and took some photos
palmer seemed to have really caught his attention out there.
there is something about the littlest ones in the family, the camera is just drawn to them.
the two little girls chose to stay in...
as did i.
i've become less keen on the cold weather...maybe it's the alabama living.
and i'll leave you with a sister them.
we really had a wonderful christmas...both in alabama and north dakota.

Monday, January 14, 2013

walk, the gulf, movie, the wharf

we have goals for january.
one of them is to incorporate at least 30 minutes of exercise into each day.
and guess what?
so far, we have been successful and boy, does it feel good.
the weather has been nice, which makes exercising outdoors a whole lot easier.
the other day, we drove to the beach, and then walked two miles to our lunch destination.
a new restaurant, the gulf, has opened in orange beach.
it is made out of shipping's laid back, has fun decorating, yummy burgers and fries, great service, and the view/atmosphere is perfect.
fresh flowers are on each table.
chairs and couches are available for seating in the sand.
the decorating makes you feel happy...
the food is great...the fries were my favorite.
 and the view...
you can't beat it.
after lunch, we walked the two miles back to our car.
and because it's impossible not to, we took our shoes off and headed down to the water.
a beach restoration project is happening, where they replace the sand lost during hurricanes in the past five years.
it seems like quite the process...
 and this bad boy is involved in it.
we decided to conclude our outdoor fun and go see a movie.
or should i say dusty decided that.
i have never seen so many movies in my entire life.
and movies i would never normally see, which is good i suppose - i'm being pushed outside of my comfort zone.
i believe we are on a mission to see every movie that is nominated for any type of academy award.
this day at the theatre: zero dark thirty.
we both really liked it.
it definitely kept my attention throughout and the acting was superb...especially by jessica chastain.
and also jason clarke.
a nice stroll around the wharf was needed after sitting for three hours.
 the weather has been just perfect - 70's and sunny.
although, i hope this warm winter does not indicate a hot (more than usual) summer will be following.