first off - gray's new thing is legos and look who received an awesome pair of lego crocs in the mail from grandma millie :)
he was thrilled.
he put them on right away and rocked those babies for the rest of the day.
t-ball has begun.
remember this post where gray tried on his super cool uniform?
i may have said it last year too, but i can't believe the uniforms they get.
we wore our own shorts and then got cheap t-shirts to wear with our sponsors business on the front.
apparently now they are supposed to look just like the major leaguers.
anyway, t-ball has been on the mind of this little one.
he requested we all go outside and practice, so we did.
and practice is needed.
you can see the improvements from last year, but we still have a ways to go.
we really need to work on his throwing form :)
of course, the daddy needs to step in and show everyone how it's done.
i also stepped in to show off my skills, but i chose to not have my picture taken.
let me tell you though, i hit it the farthest.
abby singer has major separation anxiety and i mean major.
she can't stand being alone.
so, of course, she was a part of t-ball practice in the yard.