I would like to preface this "Dusty saved my life" story with examples of how I never thought he would be capable of such a heroic act.
Example 1
While laying in bed, I spotted a HUMONGOUS spider on the ceiling (it ended up just being a daddy long legs), I made a noise (not a scream) and jumped out of bed. Dusty, without even asking what was wrong, sprinted down the hallway and left me to fend for myself. His defense after the fact: he thought I was running right behind him and he thought there was a snake in the bedroom.
Yes, he thought I saw a snake...which scared me more than anything. I was all "what?!?! there could be snakes in here?" We had the giggles for a good 20 minutes after Dusty did high knees running from the 'snake' and then I made Dusty convince me that we would NOT be seeing any snakes inside...ever.
Example 2
When Dusty and I go on walks, he gets scared of dogs not on leashes AND dogs on leashes.
I guarantee I would be pushed in front of him if a dog came running at us...either that, or he would sprint the other way and I would be left standing there...rings a bell, right?
The time Dusty saved my life:
It happened after the screening of Prairie Love in Mobile.
We walked into the lobby and heard what sounded like a gun shot.
A few people (not Dusty, of course) stepped outside to see what the sound was...they found an older man on his motorcycle REALLY intoxicated trying to drive away...his motorcycle had backfired so badly that the headlight had blown out.
After realizing what had happened, everyone thought it would be safe to step outside...but, as we stood on the sidewalk outside of the theater, the man came straight at all of us on his motorcycle.
Before I could even react, Dusty was facing me, with his hands on the front of my shoulders and started pushing me away from the situation.
So, he's running forward and I'm running backwards because he's pushing me and we run like this for a whole block.
His back was to the situation, but I could see it all happening...so I kept asking him 'what the heck he was doing?' while we were running down the sidewalk. I could see that the man had fallen off his motorcycle and it skidded to a stop right before hitting anyone, but Dusty just kept running/pushing.
After he felt that we were a sufficient distance from the incident, he stopped running.
Once our hearts stopped racing, we laughed really hard.
I'm sure we were a sight to see...everyone else just stood there and watched the motorcycle crash, but not us, we escaped the chaos/near death experience :)
Here is a terribly drawn diagram so you have a visual of the situation:
He likes to bring up this incident quite frequently..."Remember the time I saved your life? I would do anything for you." He obviously wants something when he says this :)
I have a feeling this might be one of those 'had to be there' stories, but I still thought I would share it with y'all.
Thank you Dusty for saving my sister's life ;)
ReplyDeleteoh man did I ever need a good laugh!! .I thought, at first, this was going to be something very sweet and sentimental... and oh man.. HAHA, I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard! your drawing is fantastic. Gosh.. we need to video tape these moments! I'm glad you shared them! You are always calm cool and collected in such moments... unless of course it involves a rodent of some kind! You two are much too funny!
ReplyDeleteAmy - :)
ReplyDeleteKara - you can admit it, my drawing is really rough...been a while since I've used the program 'paint'. I miss you & am so excited for us all to hang out together!