Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Silly Saturdays - Vol. 4

Welcome to Silly Saturdays - Volume 4.
(I realize it's Tuesday, but I did receive the pictures on Saturday...maybe if I get it together, I'll start actually posting them on Saturdays :))

Memory Refresher: I started Silly Saturdays because I was feeling a little homesick and thought "hmmm...if I could get a silly picture from people I miss once a week, that just might help a little."
Thus, the birth of Silly Saturdays.

My photo for the week:
My photo last week was directed by Dusty, but this week the reigns were handed over to Mr. Gray.
We showed Gray Silly Saturday posts 1-3, so he could get an idea of what we were looking for.
He got the giggles on every photo and then got to work - after searching through his toys, he decided on the pirate look.
I would say he definitely delivered.

For himself?
He decided on a cowboy hat and blowing a whistle while the picture was being taken...you can hear it, right? :)

And now for the photos I received:

Kids + Abby Singer:
these kids :)

 Kara (upper left) - her 2nd attempt at the photo. 
Her 1st attempt resulted in bleeding after accidentally sitting on it...love that she was relentless and went in for round 2 :)

Thanks again everyone for participating.
I'm loving it...I hope it's not too much of a nuisance for all of you...


  1. Love these and you! I'm really missing you these days! XO, Ang

  2. Kids are so excited for your 3 week visit! They wanna know how many days you will be in Bismarck (Abby thinks it should be all 21 days :)), if it's going to go fast, how many more days till you get here, etc.

    1. I can't wait for my visit either...it's going to be so great.

      I love that Abby wants me for all 21 days :)

    2. Ayden loves his gift....so creative! Thank you Kassie and Dusty!

  3. Thanks for reporting my incident.. also I love love love silly saturday's and I look forward to seeing everyone silly faces!! :) Let's keep this alive and well!! :) MISS YOU!! PS. when are you comeing back! I need these dates!!

    1. I love them too.
      I really miss you.
      I'm booking my ticket this week and I will let you know right away...it will be 3 weeks in July for me and Dusty's coming for one!
