Sunday, June 24, 2012

Loving lately...

A few things I'm loving lately:

1. evening walks with Dusty

2. the smell of sunscreen
-and fresh cut grass
-bugspray too

3. family movie nights

4. nail polish...totally out of character for me

5. spontaneity

6. fruit punch in a wine glass with ice cubes - it's fun, try it

7. my mornings - exercise, alone time, and blog reading

8.  flowers blooming on our hibiscus plants

9. crockpot meals
+ our most recent crockpot dinner:
shredded chicken tacos
-6 chicken breasts (we did frozen)
-1 package of taco seasoning
-1 jar of 18 oz salsa
  • cook on high for 6 hours
  • shred chicken
  • enjoy :)

10. bike rides - morning and evening - basically, whenever it's not sweltering hot outside

11. talking with someone I've never met for miles on a bike trail.
the closest he's been to North Dakota? escorting Ms. North Dakota in Washington D.C. in 1966 :)

what are you loving lately?
please share...I would love to know

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the things you love! They made me smile! :)

    1.) I love the smell of my room at my parents house

    2.) I love walking into my Grandma's house and see her sitting in her chair :) I also love calling her and hearing her say "hello?... Oh hi sweetie!"

    3.) I love hanging out with my family up at the lake

    4.) I love driving into Grand Forks and passing the Ralph. I can't wait for another hockey season.

    5.) I love checking your blog and seeing a new post when desperate for a break from my results and discussions chapter.
