Wednesday, November 21, 2012

long weekend. thankful.

i'm really looking forward to the four day weekend.
mostly because that means dusty and i get to be together all of those days.
we have a bit of separation anxiety.
spending the day apart while working? neither of us like it.
what's're running to the store? i'll come with you.
now, don't get me wrong. i'm pretty sure i need alone time more than anyone.
but, being apart for more than a couple of hours is not our jam.
i know, it's ridiculous.
i hope it doesn't ever change though.
now, i made a list of options for possible activities to fill our weekend:
+ miniature golf
+ driving range
+ walks in our favorite neighborhoods
+ work on diy christmas presents
+ board games
+ hub stacey's for their yummy french dip sandwiches
+ garage sales/thrift stores
+ bonfire
+ hot tub
+ and of course, watch movies
before we can get started on our list, we will be preparing and hosting thanksgiving dinner.
i will be making a turkey for the first time.
wish me luck, and lots of it.
i'm also making a pumpkin pie, which will be the first pie i've ever made.
i would buy one that was already made, but dusty's mom gifted me a pretty pie plate that i have yet to use, so, now is the time.
the pumpkin pie will be made with a pre-made crust, fyi.
 dusty will be making his famous mashed potatoes with packet gravy and boxed dressing will be served.
oh, and canned cranberries were also a request...and warm dinner rolls are my favorite, so those will be on the menu.
chips and dip (made in crockpot) = appetizer
alright, well now you know what we will be serving.
that was not my intention, but it happened.
we will be missing everyone in north dakota very much, but thankfully we will be home soon for christmas.
so excited! 
also on the list for the weekend, counting our blessings.
happy thanksgiving!

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