Gray could not contain his excitement to meet his sister.
He was beaming - honestly, he could not stop smiling.
The first thing he wanted to do was play her her first song - he chose 'Hooked on a Feeling' and the two of them sat there and listened to it while he held her :)
Then he said, 'well, I've met my match! I have a three day old baby sister!'
It was all adorable.
When we got in the car to drive home, Gray pointed out that it was Sawyer's first car ride!
And he leaned over her car seat and smiled at her for most of the ride home (45 minutes).
Our first evening as a family of four was a movie night - obvious choice for us :)
So, Sawyer's first movie was Penguins of Madagascar (pointed out once again, by Gray).
Big day for little Miss Sawyer.

He was beaming - honestly, he could not stop smiling.
The first thing he wanted to do was play her her first song - he chose 'Hooked on a Feeling' and the two of them sat there and listened to it while he held her :)
Then he said, 'well, I've met my match! I have a three day old baby sister!'
It was all adorable.
When we got in the car to drive home, Gray pointed out that it was Sawyer's first car ride!
And he leaned over her car seat and smiled at her for most of the ride home (45 minutes).
Our first evening as a family of four was a movie night - obvious choice for us :)
So, Sawyer's first movie was Penguins of Madagascar (pointed out once again, by Gray).
Big day for little Miss Sawyer.

Sawyer made sure to have a gift ready for her big brother.
It consisted of the most comfortable sweatpants, candy, hot wheels cars, and baseball cards - just a few of Gray's favorite things as of now.
He was excited!
He said he suspected that I did the shopping and not Sawyer, but he thanked his little sister, nonetheless.
What a special day it was!
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