Sunday, June 30, 2013

outdoor fun.

we are rocking our yard this year.
 we fertilized, we killed weeds, we planted vegetables & flowers, we water daily, we trimmed hedges, etc.
yardwork is fun.

 since this photo was taken, our grass has become much, much more green :)
fertilizer sure does work wonders.
 with our yard looking so 'amazing', we have been spending more time outside...grilling, playing catch, enjoying the time when the sun goes behind the trees and the temperature drops just a couple of degrees, sipping a cocktail while sitting on the deck...

we are loving the outdoors.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

school talent show.

at the end of the school year, orange beach elementary put on a talent show.
gray decided he would like to enter the contest AND he was the only kindergartner (out of 3 classes) in the school to participate.
i was so proud!
neither dusty nor i would have been that kid at age five.
sensei chris, gray's karate instructor, was so kind and came to help gray on his big day.

gray and daddy with the boards he broke :)
great job, gray! we are very proud of you.
and a video of the big event, if you're interested:

Sunday, June 23, 2013

juice test.

gray had this brilliant idea where we would all participate in a juice test.
he had been mentioning this idea for a couple of days, so we finally pulled the juicer out.
gray searched the fridge for fruits and vegetables and then got down to business.
he likes to do his serious business while wearing just underwear.
stepping stool made by my dad specially for mister gray :)

now, for the finished products:
gray did not hesitate one bit before trying any of the juices...this is a very big feat - his taste buds/palate/openness to trying foods has grown leaps and bounds. it's awesome.
now, for a bit of a picture overload:


the verdict, agreed on by all:
the best, most tasty: carrot juice
the worst, least tasty: pickle juice (which was a juiced pickle, not just pickle juice from the jar)