Thursday, August 29, 2013

mandan parade.

the morning after the rodeo, we were off to the parade.
i'm going to let you in on a little something...parades in the south are much different than parades in north dakota.
north dakota - lawn chairs, adults relax while kids get the candy, laid back, horses etc.
the south - no one relaxes, it's not just about the kids, EVERYONE is standing and yelling and waving their arms for candy and beads and prizes...they do have more elaborate floats though.
my preference = north dakota style.

some cowboys text and ride...

thank you to the cermaks for showing us a good time while we were in bismarck/mandan :) 
love and miss y'all!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

the mandan rodeo.

this time around was my second time being to the mandan rodeo.
let me tell you, i love it.
i love the cowboys, the atmosphere and excitement, the horses, the clown, all of it.

the clown reminded me of dusty.
side note: my 6 year old niece, amelia, recently attended a shrek play and told everyone that the funny donkey reminded of her dusty.
just saying...

and now, for my favorite part of the rodeo...wagon racing...
it's just so darn exciting.
until next time, mandan rodeo.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

bismarck trip number one.

one of the first weekends i was home, if not the first, we headed to bismarck for the mcquade softball tournament.
my sister and her husband were both playing, so we had plenty of games to keep us busy!
watching games, sitting in a lawn chair, being with family, enjoying the weather, drinking a fountain pop, eating fun is that?!

mom got on base! cheering her on...
this is how emery catches a ball...
i'm not sure where she gets her athleticism from.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

horse therapy.

i was able to attend a horse therapy session for palmer while i was home.
it was great to see him on his horse, tilly. 
he was a professional out there :)

great job, palmer! 
i'm happy i was able to see you in action.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

backyard baseball.

i've been very MIA lately on this here blog.
our photography business is growing and keeping us busy - check it out here!

we spent most of july in north dakota and it was AWESOME.
there will hopefully be many more posts about it, but for now, i'm going to start with a backyard baseball post.

my nephew, oliver, is obsessed with lives, breathes, and sleeps them.
what that means for all of us is participating in a lot of sporting activities. 
dad and i spent this afternoon keeping him busy with backyard baseball.

dad and i set this up. i had the camera ready, dad coaxed oliver over to him by saying something clever, and then bam!, he got sprayed. love it.