Wednesday, January 30, 2013

35 things i love about dusty.

in honor of dusty's birthday on january 23rd, i have decided to write him a post.
35 things i love about him...since it was his 35th birthday.
are you ready?
i love...
  1. that you keep the kool-aid/punch/tea pitcher in the fridge fulled stocked at all times.
  2. that you bathe abby singer and don't make me.
  3. that you are the official bedmaker.
  4. that you enjoy painting my nails and insist on getting more colors and 'nicer' polish than the $1.00 ones i get, so you can really perfect your craft.
  5. your sense of humor.
  6. that you make me no one else can.
  7. being around's all i want, to be with you.
  8. how dang excited you are about our new record player.
  9. when you play 'myrtle the turtle' with gray. i like the voice and life you give to myrtle.
  10. your spontaneity.
  11. that you think that 'slow cooking' makes everything taste better.
  12. that it's important to you that we visit your mom almost every weekend.
  13. that you think it's silly to get upset when things are spilled, broken, or when anything happens on accident. gray and i really benefit from your attitude on this.
  14. you as a are wonderful, just wonderful.
  15. that you believe i can honestly accomplish anything.
  16. how no dream is too big in your eyes.
  17. that you love my is so awesome, you have no idea.
  18. that you called my grandma on her birthday and offered her two versions of happy birthday: she chose the sexy version, and you delivered.
  19. that you read my blog and get excited when i have new posts ready.
  20. that we go on walks together.
  21. how laid back you are...i take notes from you.
  22. that you are always willing to be my subject when i want to practice photography.
  23. that no DIY project scares you.
  24. that you are crazy creative and talented, yet humble about it.
  25. that you will always share a meal with me when we go out for dinner AND you let me choose it.
  26. that you aren't afraid to be silly...not one bit.
  27. your outlook on've taught me not to sweat the small stuff.
  28. the way you make egg sandwiches.
  29. when you's great.
  30. when you wear the full hannah anderson pj ensemble.
  31. that at your work christmas party, you danced on a wood beam (like it was a pole) while everyone watched you and you didn't even think twice about it.
  32. your ability to make people laugh.
  33. how fun you are to be around.
  34. how thoughtful and sweet you are.
  35. how happy you make me.
i love you, dusty.
happy birthday!


  1. Sounds like he makes you pretty happy, Kassie. Can't wait to see his 26 items on the 14th of March....ha,ha! :):)
