Tuesday, May 15, 2012


To say I have a green thumb would be a bit of an overstatement.
I always thought that if I tried to garden, I would have no problem keeping my plants alive.
Well folks, I was wrong.

Ambition/excitement got the best of us and we bought every type of vegetable seed out there.
We were all "we'll never have to buy vegetables again with our awesome garden we are going to maintain and nurture," or something along those lines.
Dusty was even taking pictures, so I could do a post about it later.
A post including lovely pictures of our plethora of growing, healthy, colorful vegetables.
We watered those things daily and kept them inside by the window - not too much light, but just enough.  They started to grow...all of them.
I was thrilled...and impressed with us.

Having this tray of plants in the house was starting to smell, so naturally I put them outside.
And then I went to the beach...for the entire day.
Then I came home, went directly inside (forgetting about the plants), and spent the next day indoors.

The next night, I happened to have looked out the bathroom window and that's when I saw them...scorched and completely dried out - every single one was wilted, brown, and dead.
All of that time and effort down the drain.

I'm over growing my own vegetables.

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