Sunday, May 20, 2012

Movies, Movies, Movies

Since Dusty's passion is filmmaking and all things cinema, we watch a lot of movies at our house.

Occasionally, Gray gets in on this action.
And when it involves movie night with Gray, we like to hype it up.
We all put our pj's on, crawl into bed with popcorn bowls in hand, occasionally a few starbursts or gummy worms thrown in there too, and we watch the movie together.

Gray loves movie nights.
He watches every single minute of the movie...his eyes never leave the screen.
Maybe he will take after his Daddy :)


  1. Replies
    1. Miss you guys too! We were just talking about how much Gray loved you :)

  2. He is too sweet! We so wish he could come over to play!

    1. Wouldn't that be great? Gray would love it...he's always wanting to play with kids :)
