Monday, January 9, 2012

The Alabama Zoo

I really don't like lizards.
I think they are gross and creepy.
Unfortunately, they are everywhere down here.

I see them on the porch, in the mailbox, on the sidewalks, on the windows, and recently on the ceiling inside.  Yes, I freaked...and had my eye on the ceiling for a solid week.  I  even dreamt about lizards.

I am on guard at all times - I admit, it's a little bit stressful.

I walk outside, I slam the door shut (in order to prevent those creepy things from getting inside), and then I scan the porch for them.
Also, I know I'm driving Dusty and Gray nuts by always telling them to HURRY AND SHUT THE DOOR, SO THEY DON'T GET IN!!!

When I get the mail, I scan the outside of the mailbox, then I kick it, hoping it will scare the shit out of the lizard before I go in to grab the mail...which doesn't really make sense, but it makes me feel better. 
I'm sure our neighbors think I'm a lovely young lady.

After returning home from our vacay to ND, we had a big stack of mail that Dusty brought in.
I started to go through it and after looking through the first couple of things in the pile, I lifted up a magazine, and then I saw it - a black lizard.
I screamed.
Dusty came running.
I opened the door.
He threw the stack of mail onto the porch.
Problem solved.

Then, the next day, I looked out the window and there was a coyote hanging out in our yard. Wonderful.
Dusty swears they won't hurt you and that apparently they're scared of people. 
I don't want to know if he's lying - I am choosing to believe helps my sanity.

Oh, and we have three raccoons that pay us a visit every now and then...and two cats that roam in our area...and the squirrels around here seem like a different species altogether.  I have seen them jump long distances from branch to branch, they're constantly fighting with each other, and there are tons of them.

It's a straight up zoo around this place.


  1. Kassie you are a great writer! Although I have to admit now, I am a little scared to come visit again :)


  3. Oh ha! Just what I needed to brighten my day!I can't stop smiling as I can imagine you kicking the mailbox, throwing the letters outside, and locking the doors because of coyotes! I miss you!

  4. you guys will all be just one has been attacked :)

    amy - thanks for the coyote tips. haha

    kara - miss would laugh so hard if you were here to witness all of the things I do to make myself feel better about the animals
