Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Birthday Time!

First and foremost, I would like to wish a BIG Happy Birthday  to my wonderful, big sister, Amy.
She's 36, by the way :)
We have the same birthday date...11 years apart.

Was Amy excited about sharing her birthday?
No, she was not.
Thankfully, she is over it these days...and she loves me
And I love her.
*This is a pretend picture of us today on our shared birthday...on the beach.
I'm on the left, she's on the right...I don't wear bonnets.


  1. HILARIOUS! And just so everyone knows, my lack of excitement was when I was 10/11 years old and probably lasted only a day! I wouldn't want to share my birthday with anyone else. Love You ;)

  2. Love this and you two! We hope you two have a great day. Love and miss you both, Ang and boys

  3. I remember that day clearly.........Amy was laying on the couch because she wasn't feeling well and I asked her on our way out to the hospital if she cared if this baby (we didn't find out the sex back then..ha)was born on her b-day and she shook her head and said "no". I don't remember any jealousy whatsoever.........poor Kassie didn't know who her REAL mom was until she was 2 years old, I think......her three sisters did everything for her and thought she was the cutest thing!! And we still think she is one darn special girl as is her sister lucky to be sisters and to share their special day on top it. Love you both..............

    1. I think you said "Are you excited for the new baby?" And THEN she shook her head no ;)
      Love you Mom!

  4. Love you too mom.....wouldn't be where we are today without you!!!!

  5. Ahhh.. this post made me cry a little bit (along with reading the posts to follow).. HAAAAPPY BIRTHDAY to both AMY and KASSIE! :) Just think of all the days outta the year- and you guys share the same one--HA! I think that in honor of those odds, you should both should buy a lottery ticket on 03/14 every year!! Or well Sue, maybe you should buy the lottery ticket? Regardless, Amy you look great in the bonnet and keep rockin that pony. Happy Birthday Girls!

    1. Thanks Kara!
      I is wild that we have the same birthday.
      I like the lottery ticket idea...I don't think I have ever bought one. If I win next year on 3/14, you and I are going on an awesome vacation :)

  6. I like the lottery ticket idea! And by the way, not everyone can pull off a bonnet like I can :)

  7. Hey Kara.........although I just bought ALL my LITTLE girls their b-day presents when we were in Palm Springs, that lottery ticket is a pretty good idea!! And if we ever make it big, (I mean really big) you would be one of the first we would share it with. :):):)
