Saturday, March 24, 2012

Target Inspiration.

I was done with work a little early yesterday, so naturally I went to Target.
And my trip to Target?
It was an inspiration.
I saw this display and thought 'Yes! We need more color.  Color changes everything.'

After scouring every single aisle, I found a few cheap/discounted items and headed home.
On the drive home, I was certain I would be sleeping within the hour, but once I brought my new items in from the car, it was on.

I started cleaning, organizing, decorating, AND I started three new projects
Buying a few new items from Target lit a fire under me that hasn't been extinguished yet...
I woke up this morning and headed outside to do some spray painting for a project I'm working on for Gray's room, and then painted something for the bathroom and next?
I'm thinking the kitchen needs a little spicing up...

I need to step away from the computer, before my motivation runs out.
Oftentimes, my motivation is short lived...unfortunately.

Have a great weekend!
And for sure you should make a trip to Target.


  1. The girls and I hit up Target Wednesday and commented on the color display! We found some steals too :) Hope you are having a fun productive weekend....still waiting for that phone call :)

  2. Can't wait to see the posts about these new projects!!

    1. Yes, I better get on it and take some pictures.

  3. Color really does make all of the difference! I want to see some pics of your projects :)

    I am excited to follow your blog!

    1. I'm excited you're here! On my way to check out your blog :)
