Thursday, March 15, 2012

Marathon Walk

Dusty surprised me for my birthday and arranged for us to stay at a condo from Wednesday until Sunday.
And so sweet of him :)

So, today after work, we ventured out into the unknown for a bit of a stroll.
It was gorgeous.

We rocked our new shoes from his mom...
...and we may have overdone it on our first time wearing them.
Our 'stroll' turned into a marathon walk due to our lack of sense of direction/familiarity with the area.

Once we saw the glorious sight of our condo and the pool, we knew what we needed to do... felt so good.

Still not able to escape the creatures though...
It's about time I embrace those suckers.


  1. Bahahaha! Oh my gosh! The creatures ha-I love everything about this post. I LOVE the pictures... DUSTY that's so sweet of you! A week/weekend get away! :) HEY..BTW how do you like those shoes! I have seen them alot more these days and I wondered if they were comfortable!

    1. The verdict is still out on the shoes, but I think I'm going to really like them - they are supposed to help with knee problems and I'm really hoping they do. Oh, and they are actually pretty comfortable.

  2. Looks like your nail polish is still holding up.........have a fun weekned!

    1. I'm shocked at how long it lasts...and with all of that swimming in California...
