Monday, November 28, 2011

Gift Idea - Chalkboard Vase

Our friends were kind enough to have us over for Thanksgiving dinner.
After the invite, I kept trying to think of a gift as a thank you.

The hostess LOVES things with chalkboard paint.
I have this thing for reusing wine bottles.

The solution = paint an empty wine bottle with chalkboard paint,
(I searched for chalkboard spray paint and it was nowhere to be found in our area, so I used regular chalkboard paint & put 3 coats on)

write a message on it,

put a 'Happy Thanksgiving" tag on it,
(I found cute Thanksgiving tags here, and printed the one I wanted on cardstock)

and then we picked up some fresh flowers for the vase.
I like how you can switch it up and write/draw whatever you would like on the vase.


  1. Fantastic idea!! I might have to copy this for someone!! :) You are so creative! I love it! Your friends are going to love it!! :)

  2. I came across your page when i googled 'chalkboard spray paint', trying to get some inspiration for my next craft. I LOVE YOUR IDEAS! I subscribed to your blog and can't wait for more crafty ideas to come. Thank you!

  3. Kara - please do make it - it ended up being a hit!

    Sunny Fine - I'm so happy you are here! Pressure is on for me to make more crafts now and I like it :)
